1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
The goal of this paper was the study flame lengths dependence on biogas composition to decide if the boiler`s furnaces using natural gas need reconstruction for biogas usage or it is possible to use the already existing equipment. The analytical one-dimensional model of a diffusion straight-flow flame in unrestricted and restricted space and the numerical three-dimensional model of a turbulent flame in a swirled airflow have been applied in this research. The research has analyzed the flame length for methane content of 20 to 100% in biogas. It has been concluded that by changing the methane content in biogas the heating plant1s operating mode can be stable on the condition that the biogas flow rate is controlled to ensure constant heat production during its combustion and turbulent flame with a swirled airflow. Combustion, in this case, can be done by using the same burner and without changing the size of the furnace.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
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