1. Don State Technical University
A mobile robot is a complex system capable of receiving information about the outside world and using it to move safely in a purposeful way. The work information subsystem can determine its position using sensors, as well as the location of static and dynamic objects in the workspace. The robot's movement to the target point is carried out according to various algorithms. These algorithms implement various methods of planning the trajectory of movement to the target point: to prevent the robot from colliding with barriers, to reduce the travel time and distance traveled to save battery power. Mobile robots can function in a dynamic environment with a significant degree of uncertainty. One of the main tasks of a mobile robot is planning trajectories by controlling the movement of the robot to reach target point. This article proposes a method for planning trajectory of a mobile robot by controlling its movement. The method is based on simulation of the movement of a mobile robot in an environment with fixed and movable barriers. It is assumed that the direction of dynamic obstacles can change randomly.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
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