
Elistratkin M.Yu.1,Kozhuhova M.12


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

2. Universitet Viskonsin-Miluoki, shtat Viskonsin


non-autoclaved aerated concrete is the only real alternative to gas silicate in the organization of its release on the basis of regional production of small and medium capacity. This will help improve the competitive environment in the building materials market and optimize the cost of construction. Of particular interest is the possibility of expanding the field of application of this material due to a significant increase in strength characteristics, while maintaining its average density in acceptable, in terms of thermal insulation properties, limits - not more than 1000 ... 1100 kg/m3. At a strength level of 10 MPa and above, in combination with dispersed reinforcement or the use of traditional non-metallic reinforcing elements, such aerated concrete can be used as a lightweight structural material for creating power elements of low-rise buildings, including in promising construction printing technologies; devices distributing the load belts; non-removable formwork; porous, stiffening, filling thin-walled tubular structures. The paper presents an assessment of the effectiveness of traditional ways to increase the strength of non-autoclaved aerated concrete. New solutions for the purposeful formation of the pore space structure are proposed and tested due to the creation and use of a gas generator with normalized gas evolution, which allows the creation of pores of a given volume. The key to the economic effectiveness of the proposed solutions is the transition from traditional portland cement to composite binders based on it. The substantiated choice of the amount and composition of the mineral additive makes it possible to optimize the properties of the binder under the particularity of the problem being solved, and to minimize the consumption of cement and chemical modifiers, increase the speed of durability and the final indices of non-autoclaved aerated concrete.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


General Medicine

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