1. ESGENA Scientific Secretary, Ulm, Germany
2. Grevenbroich, Germany
3. Olympus Europa, Hamburg, Germany
4. University Hospital KBC-Zagreb-Rebro, Zagreb, Croatia
5. Medical Devices Division, CBC Europe Srl, Nova Milanese (MB), Italy
6. Gedyt Endoscopy Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina
7. Digestive Endoscopy Unit, Catholic University, Rome, Italy
8. 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Katholisches Klinikum, Mainz, Germany
9. ESGENA Past President, Birmingham, UK
10. Department of Hygiene and Infection Prevention, Medical Center, University Hospital, Mainz, Germany
11. Biotech Germande, Marseille, France
12. Digestive Diseases Department, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, France
13. 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Charles University Teaching Hospital, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
14. Institut Arnault Tzanck, St. Laurent du Var, France
15. Microbiology and Hygiene Department, Chemische Fabrik Dr. Weigert, Hamburg, Germany
16. St. Woolos Hospital, Newport, UK
17. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands