Implementing enhanced patient education for surgical site infection prevention in cardiac surgery


Rochon Melissa1,Magboo Rosalie2,Barlow Carol3,Ibrahim Sammra4,Carruthers Lena5,Pagett Jane6,Morais Carlos7,Silva Elizabeth8


1. Quality & Safety Lead for Surveillance, Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, London

2. Senior Sister Adult Critical Care Unit, Barts Health NHS Trust, London

3. Matron Cardiothoracic Surgery, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

4. Lead Surgical Care Practitioner, Barts Health NHS Trust, London

5. Staff nurse, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

6. Ward Manager, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

7. Clinical Nurse Specialist in Surveillance, Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, London

8. SSI Audit Clerk, Barts Health NHS Trust, London


Objectives:Photo at Discharge (PaD) is a nurse-led discharge strategy for enhanced wound care information for patients and healthcare providers. The purpose of this study is to describe implementation of PaD in three English cardiac centres.Methods:A prospective, cross-sectional design was used to evaluate implementation fidelity and sustainability of PaD on various geographical settings.Results:Three out of four hospitals (75%) approached agreed to complete surveys on implementation fidelity. Implementing the IT component took an average of 16 months (range 11–21 months). Across the three sites, 474 nursing staff have received training on PaD. Since implementing, a combined total of 9007 patients have received PaD. A 1-month compliance snapshot indicated mean of 96% (range 92–100%).Conclusions:PaD requires collaborative working, a change in behaviour and a change to the service. Despite these challenges, fidelity and sustainability scores across the sites were high. The findings from this study may help to increase implementation quality and dissemination of PaD.


Mark Allen Group


General Nursing

Reference36 articles.







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