Targeting intracellular WT1 in AML with a novel RMF-peptide-MHC-specific T-cell bispecific antibody


Augsberger Christian12ORCID,Hänel Gerulf12ORCID,Xu Wei3,Pulko Vesna3,Hanisch Lydia Jasmin3,Augustin Angelique4,Challier John3,Hunt Katharina5,Vick Binje5,Rovatti Pier Eduardo6,Krupka Christina12,Rothe Maurine12,Schönle Anne3,Sam Johannes3,Lezan Emmanuelle4,Ducret Axel4ORCID,Ortiz-Franyuti Daniela4ORCID,Walz Antje-Christine4ORCID,Benz Jörg4,Bujotzek Alexander7ORCID,Lichtenegger Felix S.7,Gassner Christian7,Carpy Alejandro7,Lyamichev Victor8,Patel Jigar8,Konstandin Nikola1,Tunger Antje910,Schmitz Marc91011,von Bergwelt-Baildon Michael111,Spiekermann Karsten111ORCID,Vago Luca612ORCID,Jeremias Irmela51314ORCID,Marrer-Berger Estelle4,Umaña Pablo3,Klein Christian3ORCID,Subklewe Marion1211ORCID


1. Department of Medicine III, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany;

2. Laboratory for Translational Cancer Immunology, Gene Center, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany;

3. Roche Pharma Research & Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Zurich, Schlieren, Switzerland;

4. Roche Pharma Research & Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland;

5. Research Unit Apoptosis in Hematopoietic Stem Cells (AHS), Helmholtz Center Munich, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Munich, Germany;

6. Unit of Immunogenetics, Leukemia Genomics and Immunobiology, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy;

7. Roche Pharma Research & Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Munich, Penzberg, Germany;

8. Nimble Therapeutics, Madison, WI;

9. Institute of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany;

10. National Center for Tumor Diseases, Partner Site Dresden, Dresden, Germany;

11. German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany;

12. Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy;

13. German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Partner Site Munich, Munich, Germany; and

14. Department of Pediatrics, Dr von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), Munich, Germany


Abstract Antibody-based immunotherapy is a promising strategy for targeting chemoresistant leukemic cells. However, classical antibody-based approaches are restricted to targeting lineage-specific cell surface antigens. By targeting intracellular antigens, a large number of other leukemia-associated targets would become accessible. In this study, we evaluated a novel T-cell bispecific (TCB) antibody, generated by using CrossMAb and knob-into-holes technology, containing a bivalent T-cell receptor–like binding domain that recognizes the RMFPNAPYL peptide derived from the intracellular tumor antigen Wilms tumor protein (WT1) in the context of HLA-A*02. Binding to CD3ε recruits T cells irrespective of their T-cell receptor specificity. WT1-TCB elicited antibody-mediated T-cell cytotoxicity against AML cell lines in a WT1- and HLA-restricted manner. Specific lysis of primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells was mediated in ex vivo long-term cocultures by using allogeneic (mean ± standard error of the mean [SEM] specific lysis, 67 ± 6% after 13-14 days; n = 18) or autologous, patient-derived T cells (mean ± SEM specific lysis, 54 ± 12% after 11-14 days; n = 8). WT1-TCB–treated T cells exhibited higher cytotoxicity against primary AML cells than an HLA-A*02 RMF-specific T-cell clone. Combining WT1-TCB with the immunomodulatory drug lenalidomide further enhanced antibody-mediated T-cell cytotoxicity against primary AML cells (mean ± SEM specific lysis on days 3-4, 45.4 ± 9.0% vs 70.8 ± 8.3%; P = .015; n = 9-10). In vivo, WT1-TCB–treated humanized mice bearing SKM-1 tumors exhibited a significant and dose-dependent reduction in tumor growth. In summary, we show that WT1-TCB facilitates potent in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo killing of AML cell lines and primary AML cells; these results led to the initiation of a phase 1 trial in patients with relapsed/refractory AML (#NCT04580121).


American Society of Hematology


Cell Biology,Hematology,Immunology,Biochemistry







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