1. BioBD Lab, Informatics Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
2. Informatics Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
3. Joszef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
In order to use a value retrieved from a Knowledge Graph (KG) for some computation, the user should, in principle, ensure that s/he trusts the veracity of the claim, i.e., considers the statement as a fact. Crowd-sourced KGs, or KGs constructed by integrating several different information sources of varying quality, must be used via a trust layer. The veracity of each claim in the underlying KG should be evaluated, considering what is relevant to carrying out some action that motivates the information seeking. The present work aims to assess how well Wikidata (WD) supports the trust decision process implied when using its data. WD provides several mechanisms that can support this trust decision, and our KG Profiling, based on WD claims and schema, elaborates an analysis of how multiple points of view, controversies, and potentially incomplete or incongruent content are presented and represented.