Signal processing algorithms for SSVEP-based brain computer interface: State-of-the-art and recent developments


Hong Jie1,Qin Xiansheng1


1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shannxi, China


Over past two decades, steady-state evoked potentials (SSVEP)-based brain computer interface (BCI) systems have been extensively developed. As we all know, signal processing algorithms play an important role in this BCI. However, there is no comprehensive review of the latest development of signal processing algorithms for SSVEP-based BCI. By analyzing the papers published in authoritative journals in nearly five years, signal processing algorithms of preprocessing, feature extraction and classification modules are discussed in detail. In addition, other aspects existed in this BCI are mentioned. The following key problems are solved. (1) In recent years, which signal processing algorithms are frequently used in each module? (2) Which signal processing algorithms attract more attention in recent years? (3) Which modules are the key to signal processing in BCI field? This information is very important for choosing the appropriate algorithms, and can also be considered as a reference for further research. Simultaneously, we hope that this work can provide relevant BCI researchers with valuable information about the latest trends of signal processing algorithms for SSVEP-based BCI systems.


IOS Press


Artificial Intelligence,General Engineering,Statistics and Probability

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5. Assessment of high-frequency steady-state visual evoked potentials from below-the-hairline areas for a brain-computer interface based on depth-of-field;Floriano;Computer Methods and Programs Biomedicine,2020







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