1. Calculations of Stratospheric Ozone and Effects of Diffusivity
2. Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom-catalysed destruction of ozone
3. Newman, P.A. and Lait, L.R. (2023) NASA Ozone Watch—Images, Data, and Information for Atmospheric Ozone. NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. https://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/Scripts/big_image.php?date=2023-05-18&hem=S§ion=HOME
4. Bolaji, B.O. (2005) CFC Refrigerants and Stratospheric Ozone: Past, Present, and Future. Environmental Conservation and Research Team (ECRT), Federal University of Technology, Akure, 231-237.
5. Thermodynamic evaluation of refrigerants in the vapour compression cycle using reduced properties