1. Salawitch, R.J., Fahey, D.W., Hegglin, M.I., McBride, L.A., Tribett, W.R. and Doherty, S.J. (2019) Twenty Questions and Answers about the Ozone Layer: 2018 Update—Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2018. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva.
2. Wei, L., Alelmi, I. and Nieh, S. (2019) Ozone Hole, Where and Size, Bad and Good. Poster Presentation at CUA Research Day, Washington DC.
3. Wei, L., Alelmi, I. and Nieh, S. (2020) Atmospheric Chemistry and Magnetic Field. Oral Presentation at CUA Research Day, Washington DC.
4. Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom-catalysed destruction of ozone
5. Newman, P.A. and Lait, L.R. (2023) NASA Ozone Watch—Images, Data, and Information for Atmospheric Ozone. NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt. https://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/Scripts/big_image.php?date=2023-05-18&hem=S§ion=HOME