The paper discusses the impact of the conscious consumer on environmental friendliness by examining the relationships between determinants of conscious consumer behavior (environmental knowledge, environmental concern, individual's social responsibility, and environmentally conscious behavior) and their effects on environmental friendliness. The proposed theoretical model was tested empirically in the Saudi Arabia environment. They are expending both mixed methods, quantitative analysis of questionnaire data distributed to a sample of 248 students in the University of Bisha in Saudi Arabia using Structural Equation Modeling. Besides, a qualitative analysis of data collected using a semi-structured interview. The results confirm sufficient support for behavior theory and the proposed theoretical model that eco-conscious consumer behavior influences consumer environmental knowledge, environmental concern, individual social responsibility, and environmentally conscious consumer-related mainly to the desire for eco-friendliness. Consumers' actions should be geared towards integrating the factors found for environmentally conscious consumer behavior towards environmental friendliness. Also, discuss the results and guidelines for further study.
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences
Cited by
2 articles.