1. Bogdanov, A. V., Grezev, N. V., Shmelyov, S. A., Murzakov, M. A., Markushov, Yu. V. Wheel steel strengthening with fiber lasers [Uprochenie kolesnoi stali volokonnymi lazerami]. Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering [ Naukoemkie tekhnologii v mashinostroenii], 2016, Iss. 9 (63), pp. 30−37. [Electronic resource]: https://bstu.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/article/12986/view. Last accessed 27.05.2022.
2. Bogomolov, A. V., Kanaev, A. T. Plasma technology for hardening the flanges of locomotive wheelsets [Plazmennaya tekhnologiya uprocheniya grebnei lokomotivnykh kolesnykh par]. In: Innovations in Material Science and Metallurgy [Innovatsii v materialovedenii i metallurgii]: Proceedings of 1st international interactive scientific-practical conference [13−19 December 2011, Yekaterinburg]. Yekaterinburg, Publishing house of Ural University, 2012, P. 1, pp. 38−43. [Electronic resource]: https://elar.urfu.ru/bitstream/10995/27924/1/ivmim_2011_08.pdf. Last accessed 27.05.2022. ISBN 978-5-7996-0708-1, 978-5-7996-0709-8.
3. Bogdanov, A. V., Golubenko, Yu. V. Fiber technological lasers and their application: Study guide [Volokonnie tekhnologicheskie lazery i ikh primenenie: Ucheb. posobie]. St. Petersburg, Lan’ publ., 2016, 208 p. ISBN 978-5-8114-2027-8.
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