Application of Elastic Fastenings of Equipment to Increase Vibration Frequency of the Wagon Body


Guchinsky R. V.1


1. TMH Engineering LLC; Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Improving dynamic performance is a priority when designing new rolling stock. The frequency of natural bending vibrations of the body is one of the most important standardised indicators, a preliminary assessment of which allows obtaining optimal body designs.The objective of the work is to assess the prospects for the use of elastic fastenings of equipment to increase the natural vibration frequency of wagon bodies of suburban electric trains. Calculations were based on the finite element method and block Lanczos method. It is shown that it is advisable to use the rigid area tool and linearly elastic finite elements to calculate the frequencies in the simulation. The main ranges of fastening stiffness are highlighted, where the effect of using elastic supports is different. It is proposed to determine the stiffness of fastenings according to a given vibration frequency of the equipment. When the equipment is rigidly attached, the relative mass of the equipment does not affect the body bending vibration frequency. With elastic fastening, a greater effect can be achieved with a larger relative weight of the equipment. The effect of using resilient mounts increases with heavier equipment located closer to the centre of the body.It is shown that the effect of shear admittance of fastenings on the body vibration frequency is within 1 % and may not be considered in the simulation. In the considered example of a wagon body of a suburban electric train, the use of elastic supports allows an increase in the frequency of oscillations of the body by 3–10 %. 


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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