Pain and Opioids in Cancer Care: Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives


Bennett Mike1,Paice Judith A.1,Wallace Mark1


1. From the Institute of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom; Division of Hematology-Oncology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University; Chicago, IL; Department of Anesthesiology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA.


Pain remains common in the setting of malignancy, occurring as a consequence of cancer and its treatment. Several high-quality studies confirm that more than 50% of all patients with cancer experience moderate to severe pain. The prevalence of pain in cancer survivors is estimated to be 40%, while close to two-thirds of those with advanced disease live with pain. Progress has occurred in the management of cancer pain, yet undertreatment persists. Additionally, new challenges are threatening these advances. These challenges are numerous and include educational deficits, time restraints, and limited access to all types of care. New challenges to access are occurring as a result of interventions designed to combat the prescription drug abuse epidemic, with fewer clinicians willing to prescribe opioids, pharmacies reluctant to stock the medications, and payers placing strict limits on reimbursement. A related challenge is our evolving understanding of the risks of long-term adverse effects associated with opioids. And reflective of the opioid abuse epidemic affecting the general population, the potential for misuse or abuse exists in those with cancer. Guidelines have been developed to support oncologists when prescribing the long-term use of opioids for cancer survivors. The challenges surrounding the use of opioids, and the need for safe and effective alternative analgesics, are leading to intense interest in the potential benefits of cannabis for cancer-related pain. Oncologists are faced with questions regarding the types of cannabis available, differences between routes of administration, data concerning safety and efficacy, and legal and regulatory dynamics.


American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)


General Medicine







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