1. University of Groningen
How do people understand figurative speech in a foreign language? What strategies do they use? By means of an
online questionnaire, this study investigated to what extent contextual information and transfer play a role in the interpretation
of idioms in a second language, controlling for familiarity. Sixty-one native speakers of Dutch were asked to guess the correct
interpretation of English idioms with and without a Dutch equivalent, presented with and without context, out of four answer
options. The results showed that correctly interpreting an idiom depends on both the presence of context and the possibility of
transfer. More correct interpretations were given when an idiom was presented in a context, but only for English idioms without an
equivalent in the native language. English idioms with an equivalent in Dutch, often rated as familiar, were mostly understood
correctly. We interpret this result as the involvement of transfer from the native language.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics