1. Faculty of Engineering and Environment
2. Northumbria University
3. Newcastle upon Tyne
4. UK
5. Department of Applied Physics
6. Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Thin Films and Applications
7. Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids
8. School of Engineering
9. University of Edinburgh
10. Edinburgh EH9 3FB
11. Division of Biomedical Engineering
12. James Watt School of Engineering
13. University of Glasgow
14. Glasgow
15. Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Systems for Aerospace
16. Ministry of Education
17. North Western Polytechnical University
18. Xi'an 710072
19. P. R. China
20. College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
21. Hunan University
22. Changsha 410082
23. College of Physics and Energy
24. Shenzhen University
25. Shenzhen
26. Institute of Thin Films, Sensors & Imaging
27. University of the West of Scotland
28. Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
29. Paisley PA1 2BE
30. College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering
31. Zhejiang University
32. Hangzhou 310027
33. School of Materials Science and Engineering
34. MOE Key Laboratory of Micro-Systems and Micro-Structures Manufacturing
35. Harbin Institute of Technology
36. Harbin 150001