1. Department of Physics
2. Sungkyunkwan University
3. Suwon 16419
4. Korea
5. Institute of Basic Science
6. Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
7. Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
8. Department of Energy Sciences
9. Materials Modeling and Characterization Department
10. Korea Institute of Materials Science
11. Changwon 51508
12. Hybrid Materials Research Center
13. Department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering
14. Sejong University
15. Seoul 05006
16. Pusan National University
17. Busan 46241
18. Chung-Ang University
19. Seoul 06974
20. Busan Center
21. Korea Basic Science Institute
22. Busan 46742
23. Electronic Materials Research Center
24. Korea Institute of Science and Technology
25. Seoul 02792