1. College of Materials Science and Engineering
2. Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
3. Beijing
4. China
5. Materials Research and Education Center
6. Auburn University
7. Auburn
8. USA
9. State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing
10. Northwestern Polytechnical University
11. Xi'an
12. State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion
13. Institute of Coal Chemistry
14. Chinese Academy of Science
15. Taiyuan
16. State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry
17. Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry
18. Chinese Academy of Sciences
19. Changchun
20. Department of Materials Science and Engineering
21. Advanced Materials Processing and Analysis Center
22. University of Central Florida
23. Orlando
24. School of Materials Science and Engineering
25. State Key Lab of New Ceramics and Fine Processing
26. Tsinghua University
27. Beijing 100084