1. Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology
2. Technical University of Denmark
3. DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
4. Dipartimento di Elettronica
5. Informazione e Bioingegneria
6. Politecnico di Milano
7. Milan, Italy
8. Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering
9. University of Genova
10. Genova, Italy
11. Department of Molecular Biology and Center of Molecular Biology “Severo Ochoa”
12. University Autónoma de Madrid
13. Madrid, Spain
14. Wallenberg Neuroscience Center
15. Lund University
16. Lund, Sweden
17. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
18. Tel Aviv University
19. Ramat Aviv, Israel
20. Research Center for Natural Sciences
21. Hungarian Academy of Sciences
22. Budapest, Hungary
23. Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
24. University College Cork
25. Cork, Ireland
26. Department of Molecular Enzymology
27. University of Potsdam
28. Potsdam (Golm), Germany