1. J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2. Dolejškova 2155/3
3. 182 23 Prague
4. Czech Republic
5. Department of Chemistry & IRIS Adlershof
6. University of Strasbourg
8. ISIS UMR 7006
9. 8 allée Gaspard Monge
10. F-67000 Strasbourg
11. Department of Low Temperature Physics
12. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
13. Charles University
14. 180 00 Praha 8
15. INRS
16. Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Centre
17. 1650 boulevard Lionel-Boulet
18. Varennes (Québec) J3X 1S2
19. Canada
20. Department of Chemistry
21. McGill University
22. Montreal