1. Excitation functions of proton induced reactions on68Zn from threshold up to 71 MeV, with specific reference to the production of67Cu
2. Excitation functions of proton induced nuclear reactions on natRb from 30 to 70 MeV. Implication for the production of 82Sr and other medically important Rb and Sr radioisotopes
3. Cross section data for the production of the positron emitting niobium isotope 90Nb via the 90Zr(p, n)-reaction
4. F. F. Knapp, Conference Report, ‘Consultants’ Meeting on Nuclear Data for Production of Therapeutic Isotopes', 2002, p.57, pub. IAEA, Vienna, Austria
5. R. Hellborg, T. Ohlsson and A. Sandell, Conference Report, ‘International Conference on Applications of Precision Atomic and Nuclear Methods', 2002, p. 60, Ed. A. Olariu, Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, PO box MG-6, RO-76900, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania