1. K. Gul, A. Hermanne, M.G. Mustafa, M. Nortier, P. Oblozinsky, S.M. Qaim, B. Scholten, Yu.N. Shubin, S. Takács, F.T. Tárkányi, Zhuang Youxiang, in: Charged particle cross-section database for medical radioisotope production: diagnostic radioisotopes and monitor reactions, IAEA-TECDOC-1211, IAEA, Vienna, 2001
2. Production of strontium-82 for the Cardiogen® PET generator: a project of the Department of Energy Virtual Isotope Center
3. T. Ido, A. Hermanne, F. Ditrói, I. Mahunka, F. Tárkányi, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 7–12 October 2001, Tsukuba, Japan, J. Nucl. Sci. and Technol., in press
4. Excitation function of 122Te(d, n)123I nuclear reaction: production of 123I at a low energy cyclotron
5. New experimental data, compilation and evaluation for the natCu(α, x)66Ga, natCu(α, x)67Ga and natCu(α, x)65Zn monitor reactions