1. Harvesting 67Cu from the Collection of a Secondary Beam Cocktail at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
2. E. P. Abel , M.Avilov , V.Ayres , E.Birnbaum , G.Bollen , G.Bonito , T.Bredeweg , H.Clause , A.Couture , J.DeVore , M.Dietrich , P.Ellison , J.Engle , R.Ferrieri , J.Fitzsimmons , M.Friedman , D.Georgobiani , S.Graves , J.Greene , S.Lapi , C. S.Loveless , P.Mantica , T.Mastren , C.Martinez-Gomez , S.McGuinness , W.Mittig , D.Morrissey , G.Peaslee , F.Pellemoine , J. D.Robertson , N.Scielzo , M.Scott , G.Severin , D.Shaughnessy , J.Shusterman , J.Singh , M.Stoyer , L.Sutherlin , A.Visser and J.Wilkinson , Isotope Harvesting at FRIB: Additional opportunities for scientific discovery, 2018
3. Radiolysis and radionuclide production in a flowing-water target during fast 40Ca20+ irradiation.
4. An isotope harvesting beam blocker for the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
5. Design and construction of a water target system for harvesting radioisotopes at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory