1. R. Davis , J.Markham , C. M.Kinchin , N.Grundl , E. C. D.Tan and D.Humbird , Process Design and Economics for the Production of Algal Biomass: Algal Biomass Production in Open Pond Systems and Processing Through Dewatering for Downstream Conversion , Golden, CO, 2016, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy16osti/64772.pdf
2. Towards industrial products from microalgae
3. R. Davis , C. M.Kinchin , J.Markham , E. C. D.Tan , L. M. L.Laurens , D.Sexton , D.Knorr , P.Schoen and J.Lukas , Process Design and Economics for the Conversion of Algal Biomass to Biofuels: Algal Biomass Fractionation to Lipid- and Carbohydrate-Derived Fuel Products , 2014, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/62368.pdf
4. Valuable products from biotechnology of microalgae
5. Microalgae for the production of bulk chemicals and biofuels