1. Radiochemical determination of 41Ca in nuclear reactor concrete
2. Effective Determination of the Long-lived Nuclide 41Ca in Nuclear Reactor Bioshield Concretes: Comparison of Liquid Scintillation Counting and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
3. Radioactive Wastes in the UK , A Summary of the 2016 Inventory , 2017 , https://ukinventory.nda.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/High-Level-Summary-UK-Radwaste-Inventory-2016.pdf
4. Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel-recommended data Ca-41, http://www.nucleide.org/DDEP_WG/Nuclides/Ca-41_tables.pdf
5. Radioactive Wastes in the UK , Summary of Data for International Reporting , 2017 , https://ukinventory.nda.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/2016-UKRWMI-Summary-of-Data-for-International-Reporting-1.pdf