1. Leskinen A, Tanhua-Tyrkkö M, Kekki T, Salminen-Paatero S, Zhang W, Hou X,Stenberg Bruzell F, Suutari T, Kangas S, Rautio S, Wendel C, Bourgeaux-Goget M, Stordal S, Isdahl I, Fichet P, Gautier C, Brennetot R, Lambrot G, Laporte E (2020) Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste. NKS-429, Roskilde, Denmark
2. Leskinen A, Tanhua-Tyrkkö M, Salminen-Paatero S, Laurila J, Kurhela K, Hou X, Stenberg Bruzell F, Suutari T, Kangas S, Rautio S, Wendel C, Bourgeaux-Goget M, Moussa J, Stordal S, Isdahl I, Gautier C, Laporte E, Guiliani M, Bubendorff J, Fichet P (2021) DTM-Decom II—Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM in decommissioning waste. NKS-441, Roskilde, Denmark
3. Leskinen A, Dorval E, Salminen-Paatero S, Hou X, Jerome S, Jensen KA, Skipperud L, Vasara L, Rautio S, Bourgeaux-Goget M, Moussa J, Stordal S, Isdahl I, Gautier C, Baudat E, Lambrot G, Giuliani M, Colin C, Laporte E, Bubenforff J, Brennetot R, Wu S-S, Ku H, Wei WC, Li YC, Luo QT (2022) DTM-Decom III—Intercomparison exercise in analysis of DTM beta and gamma emitters in spent ion exchange resin. NKS-457, Roskilde, Denmark
4. International Standard ISO 13528:2015(E), Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison. ISO, Geneva, Switzerland
5. Leskinen A, Salminen-Paatero S, Gautier C, Räty A, Tanhua-Tyrkkö M, Fichet P, Kekki T, Zhang W, Bubendorff J, Laporte E, Lambrot G, Brennetot R (2020) Intercomparison exercise on difficult to measure radionuclides in activated steel: statistical analysis of radioanalytical results and activation calculations. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 324:1303–1316