Intercomparison exercise on difficult to measure radionuclides in activated steel: statistical analysis of radioanalytical results and activation calculations


Leskinen Anumaija,Salminen-Paatero Susanna,Gautier Celine,Räty Antti,Tanhua-Tyrkkö Merja,Fichet Pascal,Kekki Tommi,Zhang Wenzhong,Bubendorff Jacques,Laporte Elodie,Lambrot Gabriel,Brennetot René


AbstractThis paper reports the results obtained during an intercomparison exercise for the determination of difficult to measure radionuclides in activated reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel samples. In total, eight laboratories participated analysing 14C, 55Fe and 63Ni activity concentrations in RPV steel. In addition, some laboratories also analysed 60Co activity concentrations. Corresponding activity concentrations were also determined using activation calculations. Robust statistical techniques were utilised for the analysis of the results according to ISO 13528 standard. The results showed good agreement for 55Fe and 63Ni results whereas 14C results had significant differences. 60Co results were in quite good agreement.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Spectroscopy,Pollution,Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Analytical Chemistry

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