1. Univ. Grenoble-Alpes
2. DPM UMR 5063
3. F-38041 Grenoble
4. France
6. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
8. University of Geneva
9. University of Lausanne
10. CH-1211 Geneva 4
11. Department of Zoology and Animal Physiology
12. Faculty of Science
13. University of Buea
14. Buea
15. Cameroon
16. Université de Lyon
17. Université de Lyon 1
18. Faculté de Pharmacie – ISPB
19. 69373 Lyon
20. Unité Inserm U836
21. Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience
22. 38700 La Tronche
23. Elucidation of Biosynthesis by Isotopic Spectrometry Group
24. CEISAM Laboratory
25. University of Nantes – CNRS UMR 6230
26. 44322 Nantes