Local administration of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles in a thermoresponsive hydrogel promotes a pro-healing effect in a rat model of colo-cutaneous post-surgical fistula


Berger Arthur12345ORCID,Araújo-Filho Irami6789,Piffoux Max105111213,Nicolás-Boluda Alba105111213ORCID,Grangier Alice105111213,Boucenna Imane105111213,Real Caroline Cristiano1415161718ORCID,Marques Fabio Luiz Navarro1415161718ORCID,de Paula Faria Daniele1415161718,do Rego Amália Cinthia Meneses19209,Broudin Chloe212223524,Gazeau Florence105111213ORCID,Wilhelm Claire105111213ORCID,Clément Olivier2521232413,Cellier Christophe262123524,Buchpiguel Carlos Alberto1415161718ORCID,Rahmi Gabriel12345,Silva Amanda K. A.105111213ORCID


1. Laboratoire Imagerie de l'Angiogénèse

2. Plateforme d'Imagerie du Petit Animal


4. INSERM U970

5. Université de Paris

6. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

7. Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes

8. 59.012-300 Natal – RN

9. Brazil

10. Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC)

11. UMR 7057 CNRS

12. 75205 Paris Cedex 13

13. France

14. Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine (LIM-43)

15. Departamento de Radiologia e Oncologia

16. Faculdade de Medicina

17. Universidade de Sao Paulo

18. Sao Paulo

19. Liga Norte Riograndense Contra o Câncer

20. Natal – RN

21. Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou

22. Department of Pathology

23. Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris

24. Paris

25. Department of Radiology

26. Gastro-Enteroloy and Endoscopy Department


Local minimally-invasive EV delivery on a thermo-actuated PF-127 gel enhanced EV residence time in colo-cutaneous fistulas promoting a therapeutic effect.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


General Materials Science

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2. Nanocomposite hydrogel based on chitosan/laponite for sealing and repairing tracheoesophageal fistula;International Journal of Biological Macromolecules;2023-10

3. The role of biomechanical stress in extracellular vesicle formation, composition and activity;Biotechnology Advances;2023-09

4. Program and Abstracts;Tissue Engineering Part A;2023-06-01

5. Extracellular vesicles as biomarkers and modulators of atherosclerosis pathogenesis;Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine;2023-05-26








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