1. Department of Chemistry
2. Research Institute for Convergence of Basic Sciences
3. Research Institute for Natural Sciences
4. Hanyang University
5. Seoul 04763
6. Department of Physics
7. Pukyong National University
8. Busan 608-737
9. Republic of Korea
10. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
11. University of Toronto
12. Toronto
13. Canada
14. Department of Energy Engineering
15. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
16. Ulsan
17. SRICT Institute of Science & Research (SRICT-ISR)
18. Bharuch
19. India
20. Division of Energy Technology
21. Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
22. Daegu 42988
23. Korea
24. Department of Materials Science and Engineering
25. Cavendish Laboratory
26. University of Cambridge
27. Cambridge
28. UK