A chronic non-healing wound is a wound that does not heal in an orderly set of stages and in a predictable amount
of time the way most wounds do; wounds that do not heal within three months are often considered chronic.
Chronic wounds are difficult to heal and take their own time to do so. These wounds cause patients severe emotional and physical stress and create a significant financial burden on patients and the whole healthcare system.
Non-healing ulcers i.e., Dushta vrana mentioned in Ayurveda can be treated effectively with the help of Ayurvedic formulations. Based on the line of treatment prescribed in the Samhitas, a proprietary Ayurvedic formulation
Heal+ Cream was developed that includes- Jatyadi Tail, Vrana Ropan Tail, Panchavalkala, Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Nimb (Azadirachta Indica), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa),
Lajjalu (Mimosa pudica), Shala (Shorea robusta), Yashada bhasma (Zinc oxide) and used to treat such a patient
of non-healing Wound in this case study. A case study revealed that Heal+ cream is having mode of action collaborated with Vrana shodhan, Vrana ropan, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial. After the use of
Heal+ Cream, the patients with non-healing wounds showed significant improvement regarding the healing of the
Wound without any adverse local effects with the restoration of skin structures and health.
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Reference23 articles.
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