A Case report-Ayurvedic Management of Dushta vrana


Koju Pratigya,Shah Bijendra,Mangal Prasad Shiva,Shah Raj Kishor


            The break/loss/rupture of contuinity of body tissue or part of body is called Vrana(Wound). Normally wounds are healed by itself if kept clean.Contamination of bacteria, insufficient blood supply, tissue tension and radiation are the local factors for delay in wound healing. Whereas general factors include malnutrition, malignant disease,diabetes and long term consumption of steroids and cytotoxic drugs.[i]Acharya Shushruta mentioned 60 upakrama for management of Vrana. Acharya charaka classified vrana into 20 types among them dustha vrana is one of them.[ii]In the case 35 yr female presented at opd with complain of non healing wound since 6 months at bilateral lower limbs with signs and symptoms of slough,pus discharge and pain.Ayurvedic management was done for 30 days which cured all the sign and symptoms. Ayurvedic management includes prakshalana by panchavalkal kwath, nimba taila for local application and arogyabardini vati,mahamanjistha kwath and kaishor guggulu per oral. Conclusion: Dustha vrana can be treated by ayurvedic management like panchavalkal kwatha, nimba taila,Arogyavardini vati kaishor guggulu, mahamanjistha kwath.   [i] RAINS A.J.HARDING,  RITCHIE H DAVID in Bailey and Loves Short Practice of Surgery 19th Edition Chapter 1  pg 3 [ii] Acharya Bidhyadhar Shukla,Prof.Rabidutta Tripathi in Charak Samhita Uttarardha Reprinted 2010 chapter 25 pg606


Ayurveda Medical Development and Research Foundation (AMDRF)

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