Gebbie Kristine M.,Hutton Alison,Plummer Virginia
The beginning of the 21st century has been marked by an increase in attention to the quality of emergency and disaster response, particularly the preparedness of health workers of all kinds. The increase in natural disasters, civil unrest, and dislocation of populations has seen health workers mobilized. These workers are moving, both within countries and across borders, as members of long- organized teams such as the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), volunteers joining through a nongovernmental organization (NGO) such as a Red Cross/Red Crescent unit, or individuals self-deploying to the scene of the emergency. Postevent evaluations have consistently identified the need for those responding to be able to join in an organized response that includes taking on assigned roles, communication through established channels and minimization of the number of “SUVs” or “spontaneous unrequested volunteers.” Although bystanders and self-deployed helpers (some with professional qualifications) are the first at any disastrous event, the subsequent response efforts are expected to be organized, efficient, and effective. This requires advance training of the responders.
Springer Publishing Company
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20 articles.