Maslennikova O.1, Sibirev A.2, Shipko M.2, Stepovich M.3
1. Central State Medical Academy of Department of Presidential Affairs 2. Lenin Ivanovo State Power Engineering University 3. Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University
The possibilities of using the channeling of low-energy (9-13 keV) electrons to determine the nature of changes in the positional order in the arrangement of molecular complexes of water and protein-induced associates at ultrahigh dilution of antibodies to interferon-γ without and in the presence of excipients were studied. We used the method of gas-discharge visualization, which makes it possible to record the parameters of the avalanche-streamer discharge caused by the field emission of electrons passing through the bulk and surface of the drop of the studied solutions. Studies of the structural organization of drug solutions were carried out on solutions of polyclonal affinity-purified human antibodies to interferon-γ. Solutions were obtained by repeated dilution of antibodies in purified water. Used solutions corresponding to four concentration points of antibodies. An analysis of the patterns of the gas-discharge image of solutions made it possible to determine the stereographic projections of the channels of electron motion formed by molecular complexes of solutions, as well as the energy and average concentration of electrons, their energy distribution associated with the features of the short-range order, the specifics of self-organization processes. The results obtained indicate significant changes in the water-dispersed medium during its dilution with human antibodies to interferon-γ.
RIOR Publishing Center
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