
Repushevskaya Ol'ga1


1. the Department of Economics and Customs Affairs, Russian University of Cooperation


In this paper, the issues of sustainability of regional economic systems are considered. In particular, this paper examines and systematizes the factors of stability of economic systems and their indicators. The functioning of the regional economic system is influenced by internal and external forces that can lead to the destabilization of the economic environment of the region. An unstable economic environment can lead to a sharp decline in the production of the main economic sectors of the region, therefore it is necessary to increase the stability of regional economic systems. In this paper, the analysis of the following indicators is carried out: the dynamics of the number of enterprises and organizations by regions of the Russian Federation; the dynamics of the workforce; water intake from natural water bodies for use. The analysis showed that, despite the fact that the regions of the Russian Federation as a whole are quite stable, three main factors of regional economic systems must be taken into account to stabilize economic development.


RIOR Publishing Center


Polymers and Plastics,General Environmental Science

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