1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov"
2. Rossiyskiy universitet kooperacii
This paper discusses the issues of socio-economic assessment of the impact of consumer cooperation on the social sphere as a way to form and develop agro-industrial complex markets. In particular, this work is devoted to the study of the institution of consumer cooperation as a means of developing consumer regional markets for the agro-industrial complex through the social sphere of the economy.
The difference between consumer cooperation and other forms of organizations lies in the principles of the institution of cooperation. Thanks to the principles of cooperation, the development of the activities of these organizations will also mean a guarantee of the implementation of social programs to improve the region, which in turn will increase the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex markets.
This paper analyzes the following socio-economic indicators: the number of enterprises with the form of organization "consumer cooperative" in the regions; unemployment in the Russian Federation at working age by region; employment structure of the Centrosoyuz; volume of purchases of Tsentrosoyuz; sale of food and non-food products of Tsentrosoyuz. The analysis showed that consumer cooperation provides employment for the population in the agro-industrial complex markets. In this regard, I would like to note that the state needs to support consumer cooperation for the development of agro-industrial complex markets.
Polymers and Plastics,General Environmental Science
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