Renewable energy of the EU countries in the context of risks of import dependence




Introduction. The large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine hastened the decision of the civilized world, in particular the EU countries, regarding the need to minimize, and in the future, completely eliminate, energy dependence on the aggressor country. Problem. The development of mechanisms for strengthening the energy security of the importing countries includes, among a number of prerequisites, the abandonment of fossil fuels of the aggressor country. Russia's dominance in global energy markets leads to dangerous manipulations on its part in the field of European energy security. The aim of the article is to reveal the state of dependence of the economies of the EU countries on the import of energy resources from the Russian Federation and to identify variable scenarios of refusal to finance an important strategic sector of the aggressor country due to the development of renewable energy. Methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison, grouping and systematization, elements of institutional analysis and process approach were used. Results. A high level of dependence of the economies of the EU countries on the import of energy carriers was identified against the background of the dominance of the Russian Federation as a priority supplier of the main types of fossil fuels. The decarbonization of the world economy and the transition to renewable energy sources is a long-term trend and a priority of the national energy strategies of the EU countries. The war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine acted as a powerful catalyst for the decarbonization of European economies. Trade relations between European states and the Russian Federation in the field of energy supply is directly related to the problem of their national security and sovereignty. The priority areas of development of the renewable energy sector of the EU are characterized. Conclusions. The EU’s efforts to reduce the level of energy dependence on Russian fossil fuels are reflected in a set of strategic measures in the field of foreign policy and coordination of efforts at the level of global partnership. They are compatible with the medium-term objectives of achieving climate neutrality of the EU by 2050. Prospects for further research can be seen in the assessment of the consequences of reducing the level of dependence of the economies of the EU countries on the import of energy carriers from the Russian Federation.


Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


General Medicine

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