The purpose of the article is to analyze approaches to the concept of development in the context of its adaptation to the recreational and tourist sphere of the region. Regional development of tourism and recreation has its own structural and functional aspects, which are justified in the article. Method. The study was conducted in stages. At the initial stage, the problem was posed. The next stage was the accumulation of scientific information on the problems of methodological approaches to the development of tourism and recreation at the regional level. Then the information was processed using the following methods: comparative, statistical, analysis, synthesis, correlation, scientific systematization. Then there was a systematization of processed information and scientific substantiation of research results. Results. The results of our study can be expressed in several aspects: scientific, organizational, functional and practical, systematization. From the point of view of the scientific aspect, we conducted a search and analysis of the literature on development issues at different levels of the organization of territorial and spatial and socio-economic systems. Therefore, the subject-subject nature and purpose of regional development are determined. It is established that the regional development of the tourist and recreational sphere at the present stage is aimed at competition for the consumer of relevant services, greening, socialization in the context of job creation, living comfort. Organizational and functional-practical aspects of the study are reduced to the possibility of taking into account different types of development of tourism and recreation in the region depending on the available resource and infrastructure component, historical aspects of management, tactical and strategic prospects, geographical, socio-economic situation of the region. The systematization aspect is based on the attempt to systematize approaches to understanding development and their adaptation to the development of tourism and recreation at the regional level. The scientific novelty. The systematization of signs and types of development of the tourist and recreational sphere of the region is carried out. The subject-subject essence, and also the purpose and tasks of regional development are defined. The practical significance. The classification will help to structure information on development problems by certain features and types, to determine the priority in the formation of strategic documents for optimal planning of the development of tourism and recreation in the region. The results of the study will help increase the efficiency of innovation management in the tourism and recreation sector at the regional level. The key argument for this is that the main problem of regional development is the choice of modern regulatory strategy and tools for the implementation of management activities in the tourism and recreation system of the region as a priority area of regional economy.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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