1. Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University
The attractiveness of the tourist and recreational sphere for business development and the national economy is substantiated. The development of the tourist and recreational sphere in Ukraine is characterized and the reasons that restrain it are determined.
The purpose of the research is to develop modern business models for the development of tourism and recreation.
Results. The content of the concept and the main functions of the business model in the tourist and recreational sphere are revealed. The value of tourist and recreational service is determined. The difference of the tourist and recreational sphere from other types of activity on the basis of building a value chain is characterized. Signs of oligopolistic competition for the market of tourist and recreational services are determined. It is proposed to develop the following business models in the tourist and recreational sphere: network tourist and recreational structure on the basis of a large organization that integrates medium and small firms around itself; network of small and medium legally independent tourist and recreational companies; tourist and recreational cluster network. The main elements of the business model are identified - target consumers, value proposition, value chain, profit mechanism. The factors influencing the choice of business model for the development of the tourist and recreational sphere are described. These are the business environment, security, health and hygiene, human resources and the labor market, prices, infrastructure, natural and cultural resources.
Conclusions. It is essential to expand the market of tourist and recreational services in Ukraine network activities of small and medium-sized tourist and recreational companies and tour operators.
Keywords: tourist and recreational sphere, business models, market of tourist and recreational services, tourism, multinational corporations, tour operators, cluster network.
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4 articles.