Inclusive Development of Rural Areas in the Context of Decentralization of Power: Problems and Priorities




1. Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman


The article, based on the results of the assessment of trends in the main socio-economic indicators, shows the role of rural areas in the economy of Ukraine and systematizes the factors that hinder their further effective development. The expediency of introducing an inclusive approach to rural development in the context of decentralization of power is substantiated. Based on the main provisions of the concept of inclusive development and the peculiarities of its manifestation at the level of rural areas, the meaning of the concept of «inclusive rural development» is revealed. The inconsistency of the development of rural settlements with the criteria of «inclusiveness» and their significant lag behind the level of development of urban areas has been established. The use of state social standards as a basis for determining the criteria for inclusive rural development is proposed. The main tools for the management of inclusive development of rural areas are systematized, the peculiarities of their use in the context of ensuring the implementation of the priority tasks identified in the National Economic Strategy are shown and recommendations for their improvement are formulated. In particular, it is proposed to amend the current legislation in order to consolidate the powers of local governments to ensure local development based on an inclusive approach. The necessity of adopting the Concept of Inclusive Rural Development at the state level with the definition of relevant criteria, tools and implementation mechanisms responsible for the results of the inclusive approach introduction as well as the coordination of tasks of strategic and current planning documents related to rural development on an inclusive basis is substantiated. The role of planning as the main tool for implementing an inclusive approach to rural development is revealed. The development of unified methodological recommendations for use in the process of rural development planning by specialists of local self-government bodies is proposed. Emphasis is placed on the need to monitor the development of rural areas by key indicators which will serve as a tool to prevent the growth of socio-economic disparities in rural areas. Recommendations are given on the areas of increasing the financial capacity of rural areas through more active stimulation of business development, including non-agricultural activities, as well as through direct access to financial services markets. The decisive role of staffing of local self-government bodies in the implementation of the effective policy of inclusive rural development is emphasized and proposals on the basic directions of training specialists-practitioners in modern conditions are provided.


Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law

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