1. International Association of Open Educators
This investigation aimed to find out the effects of metacognitive awareness of senior high school students’ reading comprehension in English of Medina College Science High School during the school year 2018 – 2019. The descriptive survey method was used in answering the major problems and its corollary sub-problems. The proficiency levels of the male students on the metacognitive skills were found to be average in noting details in pictures, following printed directions, and getting the meaning of the paragraph. It was also found out that female students obtained above average on the following reading comprehension skills such as noting details in pictures, getting the meaning of phrases, following printed directions, getting the meaning of sentences, getting the meaning of paragraphs, and sequence events as they happen. There is a significant difference between the male and the female students’ proficiency level in metacognitive skills along noting details in pictures, getting the words, following printed directions, getting the meaning of sentence, getting the meaning of paragraph, noting details in the selection, and sequencing events as they happen in the story. The male students’ proficiency level was only average while the female students showed above average proficiency. The significant relationship between the metacognitive skills proficiency level and the scholastic performance profile of the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students should be examined carefully by the teachers so that relevant provisions could be introduced for upgrading the students’ proficiency levels on reading comprehension skills which would help improve and enrich students’ scholastic performance profiles.