How to help a child with teething? A new look at an old problem


Bogdanova N. A.1,Zueva T. E.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Higher Education «Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Yevdokimov» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


Temporal eruption for children is a natural and physiological process. However, in some cases, it may be accompanied by numerous unpleasant symptoms, such as fever, decreased appetite, anxiety, sleep disorders and indigestion. These symptoms nonspecific and may occur in other somatic diseases. The Violation of stages, timing of eruption may be indicated a variety of somatic diseases and the development of further pathology of the dental-jaw system, as well as depends of the child`s constitutional characteristics. In this article we are presents an analysis, which dedicated problems of infant`s tooth eruption. Special attention is paid to the available means for the normalization of pathological symptoms, which accompanied the process of teething. Sometimes, parents try to alleviate the child`s condition and use different means independently, but uncontrolled and prolonged use of NSAIDs and local anesthetics can leads to allergic or toxic effects. Currently, with the help of research, it has been established that the use of herbal preparations is better, they are safer.


Remedium, Ltd.


General Medicine

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