This study is devoted to the study of professional burnout among students of the faculty of dentistry. Professional stress is a part of the student's daily life. Statistics in the field of education and clinical dentistry almost all over the world emphasize that the stress factor that occurs at work or school is the most common. Despite this evidence, there is minimal data on the number of cases of professional burnout among third-year dental students who work as dental assistants. The purpose of the study is to identify the mechanism of overcoming professional stress in dental students in the educational sphere. The study selected a group of 40 third-year dental students who reached the equator. This sample allows you to conduct surveys and identify stressors, burnout factors and the mechanism for overcoming them. Thus, data were obtained between burnout measured using the V. V. Boyko scale, intra-individual measurements represented by subjective well-being, self-esteem, and locus of control using the Lackert, Rockert, and Dinner scales. Using a hybrid methodology and having as support specific methods of modern training and increasing motivation, our findings encourage us to create a special training program for primary students to improve their motivation and increase intra-individual qualities that help overcome difficulties in the educational and clinical sphere. The data obtained in the course of the study indicate the need to implement this program for medical institutions in order to improve the quality of professional services.
Association "Professional Analytics of Autopoiesis Systems"
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