Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Reference10 articles.
1. 2) 寺本雅子,市川温,立川康人,椎葉充晴:水災害危険度に基づく土地利用規制の適用性に関する分析,土木学会論文集B,Vol. 66,No. 2,pp. 130-144,2010. [Teramoto, M., Ichikawa, Y., Tachikawa, Y. and Shiiba M.: Study on applicability of landuse regulation strategies based on flood risk assessment, J. Japan Soc. Civil Eng., Ser.B, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 130-144, 2010.]
2. 3) Kotone, K., Taniguchi, K., Nakamura, K. and Takayama, Y. : Estimation of potential economic losses due to flooding considering variations of spatial distribution of houses and firms, J. Disaster Res., Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 329-342, 2021.
3. 4) 市川温,松下将士,堀智晴,椎葉充晴:水災害危険度に基づく土地利用規制政策の費用便益評価に関する研究,土木学会論文集 B,Vol. 63,No. 1,pp. 1-15,2007. [Ichikawa, Y., Matsushita, M., Hori, T. and Shiiba M.: Cost-benefit analysis of land use regulation strategy based on flood risk information, J. Japan Soc. Civil Eng., Ser.B, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 1-15, 2007.]
4. 5) 石徹白伸也,天方匡純,高森秀司,島田高伸,神永希,杉本達哉,佐藤徹治:将来の都市構造を考慮した水害リスク軽減対策に関する研究,土木学会論文集 B1(水工学),Vol. 74,No. 3,pp. 44-61,2018. [Itoshiro, S., Amakata, M., Takamori, S., Shimada, T., Kaminaga, N., Sugimoto, T. and Sato, T.: A study on measures of flood risk refuction considering future urban structure, J. Japan Soc. Civil Eng., Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Eng.), Vol. 74, No. 3, pp. 44-61, 2018.]
5. 6) 小刀祢海斗,谷口健司:人口減少及び都市構造変化下における洪水氾濫発生時の経済損失変容評価,土木学会論文集B1 (水工学),Vol. 76,No. 2,pp. I_517-I_522,2020. [Kotone, K. and Taniguchi, K.: Evaluation of economic loss from flooding by considering future depopulation and variations in urban structure, J. Japan Soc. Civil Eng., Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Eng.), Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. I_517-I_522, 2020.]