AbstractTransformative change in primary food production is urgently needed in the face of climate change and biodiversity loss. Although there are a growing number of studies aimed at global policymaking, actual implementations require on-site analyses of social feasibility anchored by ecological rationale. This article reports the in-depth characterizations of low-input mixed polyculture of highly diverse crops managed on the self-organization of ecosystems, which performed better compared to conventional monoculture methods in Japan and Burkina Faso. Analyses on crop productivity and diversity showed that the primary production of ecosystems followed a power law, and through the underlying mechanisms excelled in (1) promoting diversity and total quantity of products along with the rapid increase of in-field biodiversity, especially useful for the recovery of local regime shift in a semi-arid environment; (2) a fundamental reduction of inputs and environmental load; and (3) ecosystem-based autonomous adaptation of the crop portfolio to climatic variability. The overall benefits imply substantial possibilities of a new typology of sustainable farming for smallholders sensitive to climate change, which could overcome the historical trade-off between productivity and biodiversity based on the human-guided augmentation of ecosystems.
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Japan
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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