AbstractPitting corrosion in seawater is one of the most difficult forms of corrosion to identify and control. A workhorse material for marine applications, 316L stainless steel (316L SS) is known to balance resistance to pitting with good mechanical properties. The advent of additive manufacturing (AM), particularly laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), has prompted numerous microstructural and mechanical investigations of LPBF 316L SS; however, the origins of pitting corrosion on as-built surfaces is unknown, despite their utmost importance for certification of LPBF 316L SS prior to fielding. Here, we show that Mn-rich silicate slags are responsible for pitting of the as-built LPBF material in sodium chloride due to their introduction of deleterious defects such as cracks or surface oxide heterogeneities. In addition, we explain how slags are formed in the liquid metal and deposited at the as-built surfaces using high-fidelity melt pool simulations. Our work uncovers how LPBF changes surface oxides due to rapid solidification and high-temperature oxidation, leading to fundamentally different pitting corrosion mechanisms.
DOE | LDRD | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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