Loss of KAP3 decreases intercellular adhesion and impairs intracellular transport of laminin in signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach


Soda Tomohiro,Gen Yasuyuki,Terasaki Kei,Iwai Naoto,Kitaichi Tomoko,Dohi Osamu,Taketani Hiroyoshi,Seko Yuya,Umemura Atsushi,Nishikawa Taichiro,Yamaguchi Kanji,Moriguchi Michihisa,Konishi Hideyuki,Naito Yuji,Itoh Yoshito,Yasui Kohichiroh


AbstractSignet-ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) is a unique subtype of gastric cancer that is impaired for cell–cell adhesion. The pathogenesis of SRCC remains unclear. Here, we show that expression of kinesin-associated protein 3 (KAP3), a cargo adaptor subunit of the kinesin superfamily protein 3 (KIF3), a motor protein, is specifically decreased in SRCC of the stomach. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout experiments indicated that loss of KAP3 impairs the formation of circumferential actomyosin cables by inactivating RhoA, leading to the weakening of cell–cell adhesion. Furthermore, in KAP3 knockout cells, post-Golgi transport of laminin, a key component of the basement membrane, was inhibited, resulting in impaired basement membrane formation. Together, these findings uncover a potential role for KAP3 in the pathogenesis of SRCC of the stomach.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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