A novel geo-hierarchical population mobility model for spatial spreading of resurgent epidemics


Topîrceanu Alexandru,Precup Radu-Emil


AbstractComputational models for large, resurgent epidemics are recognized as a crucial tool for predicting the spread of infectious diseases. It is widely agreed, that such models can be augmented with realistic multiscale population models and by incorporating human mobility patterns. Nevertheless, a large proportion of recent studies, aimed at better understanding global epidemics, like influenza, measles, H1N1, SARS, and COVID-19, underestimate the role of heterogeneous mixing in populations, characterized by strong social structures and geography. Motivated by the reduced tractability of studies employing homogeneous mixing, which make conclusions hard to deduce, we propose a new, very fine-grained model incorporating the spatial distribution of population into geographical settlements, with a hierarchical organization down to the level of households (inside which we assume homogeneous mixing). In addition, population is organized heterogeneously outside households, and we model the movement of individuals using travel distance and frequency parameters for inter- and intra-settlement movement. Discrete event simulation, employing an adapted SIR model with relapse, reproduces important qualitative characteristics of real epidemics, like high variation in size and temporal heterogeneity (e.g., waves), that are challenging to reproduce and to quantify with existing measures. Our results pinpoint an important aspect, that epidemic size is more sensitive to the increase in distance of travel, rather that the frequency of travel. Finally, we discuss implications for the control of epidemics by integrating human mobility restrictions, as well as progressive vaccination of individuals.


Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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