Body size and temperature affect metabolic and cardiac thermal tolerance in fish


Kraskura Krista,Hardison Emily A.,Eliason Erika J.


AbstractEnvironmental warming is associated with reductions in ectotherm body sizes, suggesting that larger individuals may be more vulnerable to climate change. The mechanisms driving size-specific vulnerability to temperature are unknown but are required to finetune predictions of fisheries productivity and size-structure community responses to climate change. We explored the potential metabolic and cardiac mechanisms underlying these body size vulnerability trends in a eurythermal fish, barred surfperch. We acutely exposed surfperch across a large size range (5–700 g) to four ecologically relevant temperatures (16 °C, 12 °C, 20 °C, and 22 °C) and subsequently, measured their metabolic capacity (absolute and factorial aerobic scopes, maximum and resting metabolic rates; AAS, FAS, MMR, RMR). Additionally, we estimated the fish’s cardiac thermal tolerance by measuring their maximum heart rates (fHmax) across acutely increasing temperatures. Barred surfperch had parallel hypoallometric scaling of MMR and RMR (exponent 0.81) and a weaker hypoallometric scaling of fHmax (exponent − 0.05) across all test temperatures. In contrast to our predictions, the fish’s aerobic capacity was maintained across sizes and acute temperatures, and larger fish had greater cardiac thermal tolerance than smaller fish. These results demonstrate that thermal performance may be limited by different physiological constraints depending on the size of the animal and species of interest.


National Science Foundation

Schmidt Family Foundation

University of California, Santa Barbara


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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