Quality measures for fully automatic CT histogram-based fat estimation on a corpse sample


Schenkl Sebastian,Hubig Michael,Muggenthaler Holger,Shanmugam Jayant Subramaniam,Güttler Felix,Heinrich Andreas,Teichgräber Ulf,Mall Gita


AbstractIn a previous article a new algorithm for fully automatic ‘CT histogram based Fat Estimation and quasi-Segmentation’ (CFES) was validated on synthetic data, on a special CT phantom, and tested on one corpse. Usage of said data in FE-modelling for temperature-based death time estimation is the investigation’s number one long-term goal. The article presents CFES’s results on a human corpse sample of size R = 32, evaluating three different performance measures: the τ-value, measuring the ability to differentiate fat from muscle, the anatomical fat-muscle misclassification rate D, and the weighted distance S between the empirical and the theoretical grey-scale value histogram. CFES-performance on the sample was: D = 3.6% for weight exponent α = 1, slightly higher for α ≥ 2 and much higher for α ≤ 0. Investigating τ, S and D on the sample revealed some unexpected results: While large values of τ imply small D-values, rising S implies falling D and there is a positive linear relationship between τ and S. The latter two findings seem to be counter-intuitive. Our Monte Carlo analysis detected a general umbrella type relation between τ and S, which seems to stem from a pivotal problem in fitting Normal mixture distributions.


Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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